
Friday, April 16, 2010

Maine Visit

JG and I took my parents up to Maine to see lighthouses and craggy shores last weekend, culminating in Pemaquid Point with the lighthouse shown on the state quarter. [It was highly recommended by our innkeeper.]

On the way up the coast, we stopped at a place on Cape Porpoise called "The Ramp" where I saw what looked like the best lobster roll ever at another table. Sadly, I've had too many sub-standard, gooey-mayo experiences with this New England classic so I'd already ordered steamed clams, which were freshly dug and quite tasty... but I really want to go back for that roll.

The trip renewed my interest in creating a cream-less version of NE clam chowder... especially since the cold wet weather has come back for a bit.  My first attempt tasted great but looked terrible. [I might need to change my header to say "whole-grains and less fat, but only if it's tasty... and visually appealing" because, frankly, I just don't want to share the truly homely stuff I sometimes make.]

All in all, I think my parents had a nice visit.  The trees in town were blooming and it was finally  beginning to look like spring as we wandered through historical sites.

My dad said back in Texas, the "grass" is finally starting to green up now that the temperature is staying above 60F at night... sigh.

1 comment:

  1. The crab cakes that I ordered were excellent! I'd like to try their lobster roll, too!
